Welcome to Shadow Dawg Firearms Academy and our “Support Local Business” page

Even though our primary business setting leans towards education in the form of firearms teaching and instruction, we still utilize a variety of other materials, products and services. These materials, products and services help us to organize and present a vast number of classes and courses designed for students interested in Idaho NRA classes, Idaho CCW, idaho concealed weapons permit classes, Women’s shooting classes Boise, Women’s basic pistol course, gun training, firearms training and instruction, and gun safety courses.
There’s no denying that locally owned businesses can help to build stronger communities. This is accomplished through sustained areas of the community through efforts of establishing links between fellow community members, economic partnerships, and social relationships. The idea of keeping as much of the dollars in the local community as possible can help build and encourage entrepreneurship, create awareness, add additional jobs, and create product diversity.
Shadow Dawg Firearms Academy takes pride in purchasing as many products, materials, and services as possible from local vendors in the Treasure Valley and the Idaho region. We invite you to show your support and visit the vendors listed below.

Thank you – From the team at Shadow Dawg Firearms Academy
COMBAT SPORT SUPPLY 3165 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, Id. 83714
Find them on the web: https://combatsportsupply.com/
Phone: (208) 336-1927
Robertson Firearm Services
Robert (Robb) McKim, Jr. – AGI Certified Gunsmith
Gunsmith Service
Certified Firearms Appraisals
FFL Services 5909 W. Poplar Crl.
Boise, Id. 83704
Phone/text: (208) 859-0756
Hours: Mon – Fri: 9:00-6:00
Sat and Sun by Appt.
Please call in advance
Double Tapp Shooting Range
Website: https://www.doubletappboise.com/
Phone: (208) 559-3337